
There are a number of Dustin Robbs out there, including two Dustin M. Robb from the Quad Cities who went to Rock Island High School at the same time. I'm the older of the two, graduating in 2000. I am Dustin Matthew Robb, born Feb 22, 1982.

I've always been fat and have blue eyes, and this is extremely useful whenever the police show up looking for one of the others with a different physical description. I'm a nerd with a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois in Urbana/Champaign. The only cities where I've ever lived are Milan, Urbana, Champaign, Peoria, and Rock Island (all in Illinois), and I currently live in Peoria.

Contact me:
E-mail: drobb@drobb.com
Phone: I hate the phone
Social Networking: Absolutely None

Dustin Matthew Robb
Deep in your Heart
Always and Forever